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wycombe music . wired music for weird people


The music of high wycombe can be associated at best with the style of hard Electro with 2step beats, slomo vocals in combination with an overdose of vocal samples. Bands like Frontline Assembly, Haujobb, Skinny Puppy and beefcake are the roots of our music style. The leaning of the band-name against the english town High Wycombe has been choosen absolutely intentional. We found this name in a book about the german naval forces during World War II. High Wycombe has been mentioned there as an american base. Just only the sound of that name fascinated us.

1996 . Christian Grass and Martin Neumann found the formation "high wycombe" in Rostock (Germany)
1998 . Album „reverse the verdict“
1999 . Album „impulse!“
2000 . Album „code74“
2004 . Album „retoure“
2009 . Album „reverser“

1996 - 2009 pictures

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