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The music of concise is full of a subliminal, almost hypnotic dynamic and their songs evolve around atmospheric harmonies and rhythmic grooves. The concise style ranges from electro to trip hop and ambient with both inspiring as well as relaxing vocals.

The origin of the project concise lies in the “experimental time” of Christian Grass [high wycombe]. Since 1999 he tries with the influence of various artists to discover the new thrill of electronic music combined with elements of jazz and house. The basic idea is to create timeless kind of music. With the singer Katrin Segert alias YREA and her beautiful voice we started to work more professional as before. Since 2007 Robert Helms [umami] and Sebastian Bode [wooden peak] are deep involved in the project.

While Christian and Robert are responsible for the combination of electronic structures and patterns, Katrin contributes with her striking voice from which the songs receive their distinctive note. Sebastian is giving his best with his longstanding stage experience on the live drums. The guitars on the songs were played by Lars Sembach with his Chapman-Stick (midi-combined). He is a member of the electro-jazz projects relaystation and looppool.

2011 . Album „ingenue“
2007 . Album „revive“
2006 . Single „the power of love“
2004 . Album „pure“

2009 - 2004 pictures

Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise Projekt concise

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Projekt concise